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Why Greek?


- There are 10 active Greek organizations at TWU.
- Greek Life is the largest collective student organization on campus. 
- 43 of the nation's 50 largest companies are headed by Greek members. 
- Greeks complete over 10 million hours of community service each year, nationally.
- Since 1910, 85% of the Supreme Court Justices have been Greek. 
- 85% of the Fortune 500 key executives are Greek. 
- 76% of Who's Who in America are Greek. 
- All but two Presidents since 1825 have been Greek. 
- 70% of the U.S Presidents' cabinet members since 1900 have been Greek. 
- 76% of U.S. Senators are Greek. 
- Both women elected to the U.S. Supreme Court were Greek. 
- More than 70% of Greeks graduate from college while fewer than 50% of non-Greeks graduate.


How to Go Greek at TWU?

To participate in NPC Formal recruitment click the link below and  follow the steps to register



How does Recruitment Work?


Attend the Potential New Member (hey, that's you!) orientation and fashion show on dates, time and location to be announced.

~ DAY 1 (To be announced)
     All PNM's are invited to each of the 3 NPC sororities to 
    learn about the philanthropy and purpose of each chapter. 

~ DAY 2- "Theme Day" (To be announced)
    PNMs will attend sorority gatherings by invitation only.
    Each sorority follows a theme and shows the PNMs all about the 
    tradition and bonds of each chapter.

~ DAY 3- "Preference Day" (To be announced)    
    PNMs will attend sorority gatherings by invitation only. 
    During a more serious ceremony, the true sisterhood of each 
    chapter is expressed.


Intrested in joining? Have Questions?
Leah Ferlita

Membership Recruitment Director




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